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외국인 최초로 미국의 공인교육플래너 자격 획득 (2)

yhpark@seqgroup.com 2020. 1. 15. 11:34


제가 한국인 처음, 아시안 처음으로 AICEP (AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED EDUCATIONAL PLANNERS) 합격했습니다. 미국인이 아닌 외국인으로 처음이라는 표현이 정확하겠네요. 지난 AICEP 회장 Katelyn Klapper에게서 최종 합격 통지를 받았습니다. Denver 대학교 총장이었던 저의 멘토엿던 Dr. Antonoff로부터 축하를 받았습니다.


자격을 부여 받으면, “Principles of Good Practices” 대한 서약과 서명을 하게 됩니다컨설턴트는 학교와 학생학부모를 매개하는 역할을 하기 때문에 학생을 위해 최선의 학교를 선택하고 합격시키도록 노력하지만학교의 입장에서 학교를 홍보하고 안내하며 학교와 Right Match 되는 학생을 선발하는데 함께 노력합니다. 따라서 교육컨설턴트로서의 강력한 직업윤리정직성성실성책임감이 요구됩니다.




공인회계사나 미국변호사 자격을 가진 한국인은 많지만, AICEP 한국인 처음미국인이 아닌 외국인으로 처음 자격을 받았다는 것에 의미를 부여하고 싶습니다우리나라에서 교육컨설턴트라는 것에 대한 부정적인 이미지를 불식시켰으면 좋겠다는 생각도 하게 됩니다


아래 Dr. Antonoff 당부처럼 아시아 지역에서도 공인 교육컨설턴트들이 많이 출현하여 우리나라를 비롯하여 아시아 지역의 교육 발전에 이바지 했으면 좋겠습니다. AICEP에서도 적극적으로 외국인 컨설턴트를 수용하려고 하고 있으니 관심 있는 분들이 도전해 보시기를 당부 드립니다.




Dear Young Hee, 


Congratulations, Young Hee!!!  I’m so proud of you! This is a major achievement and you have earned the right to be a Certified Educational Planner!


The process is rigorous and we take our responsibility to uphold standards very seriously. As a result, there can be a few bumps in the road for applicants and test-takers!  Yes, it took a long time for this day to come! There were a few test administrations and we’ve had lots and lots of phone calls. I figure we may have to spend as many as 20 hours on the phone talking about ways to increase your knowledge of what we look for in assessment responses! But it was worth every moment of my time since it paid off handsomely for both you and for us, the certification program.


As far as reciprocation, the thing that will mean the most to me is for you not only to uphold our ethical guidelines but also to be an active CEP.  We’d love to see more great consultants in Asia become certified. You know we, along with the professional associations, are working hard to draw a distinction between an Independent Educational Consultant and an “agent” who receives money from institutions.  So if you know of qualified professionals, I hope you will refer them to us. We are always looking for CEPs who will help us staff our table at a conference, write blogs, send emails of support for our program, spread the word, and on and on. Most of all, keep providing quality guidance to students who seek your help.


In the meantime, know how happy I am with your achievement.


With good wishes and with the hope that you will let me know if your travels ever bring you through Denver!


Warmly, Steve


Steven R. Antonoff, Ph.D.

Certified Educational Planner




Dear Young Hee,


I am very happy to tell you that you are now a CEP! Congratulations!


Normally, I would just wait for you to receive the certificate in the mail. But I mailed the certificate and certificate letter today in an envelope, and also mailed a package containing 25 Mark of Distinction cards (which you can give to clients listing the advantages of hiring a CEP) and a CEP pin. In case the package arrives before the envelope, I did not want you to be confused about why you were receiving the cards and pin.


I will activate your CEP account on the website later today and will send you an email when that is completed.


Again, congratulations!



Ann Chambers

Communications Director

1538 Adams Street
Denver, CO 80206











  ㈜ 세쿼이아 그룹  

서울 강남구 강남대로 58길 61 제일빌딩 4층

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  ㈜ 세쿼이아 제주  

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