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Summer & Winter Program/미국

서머 프로그램이 필요한 5가지 이유

by yhpark@seqgroup.com 2018. 3. 10.

서머 프로그램이 필요한 5가지 이유

Five reasons summer camp is important for children



Nothing says summer quite like camp. A rite of passage for most kids, it offers them the opportunity to have fun and make new friends. Here are five more things going to camp does for a child:

[세쿼이아 사진 Bement Summer Program]

     Changes kids for the better

Research from the American Camp Association has confirmed that children who go to camp have experiences that will help them as adults. The research found that 96 percent of campers questioned said that going to camp helped them make new friends, and 93 percent said that they got to know the kids who were different from them. Ninety-two percent said going to camp increased their self-esteem, and 74 percent said they gained the courage to try things they were at first afraid to do.


     Gets them moving

Going to camp provides children with the opportunity to try new things and participate in human-powered activities. An estimated 22 million of the world’s children under the age of 5 are considered obese. According to the Association’s research, 63 percent of children who learn new activities at camp tend to continue engaging in those activities after returning home.


      Keeps their minds sharp

All camps understand the critical role they play in helping young people learn and grow. Many offer programs that help reduce summer learning loss, bolster academic enrichment and socialization, provide opportunities for leadership development, and ensure that campers achieve their full potential.


     Gets them to unplug

According to a study by two Cornell University environmental psychologists, being close to nature — and away from technology — can help boost a child’s attention span. Additionally, a study conducted by England’s University of Essex concluded that nature can help people recover from pre-existing stresses or problems, has an immunizing effect that can protect from future stresses, and helps people concentrate and think more clearly. In some instances, camp may be the only time a child is in contact with the natural world.


     Encourages play

At camp, children are encouraged to be kids by playing in a safe and nurturing environment. The play is a powerful form of learning that contributes mightily to the child’s healthy physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development. According to an American Academy of Pediatrics report, creative free play protects a child’s emotional development and reduces the risk of stress, anxiety, and depression.


There is a summer camp program for every child that will build skills, friendships and memories that will last a lifetime.


[세쿼이아 사진 Villanova Prep School]

[세쿼이아 사진 Walnut Hill School]


㈜ 세쿼이아 그룹에서는 미국의 명문 보딩 스쿨과 Ivy League를 비롯한 명문대학의 입학 컨설팅을 담당합니다. 심리인적성 검사를 통하여 과학적인 방법으로 지원 대학을 선정하고 전공적성검사를 통하여 전공과목을 선택하는데 도움을 줍니다. 폭 넓은 브레인스토밍을 하며 지원 에세이 작성과 특별활동 기록에 도움을 주며, 여러 명의 컨설턴트들의 의견을 교환하여 에디팅과 교정 작업을 합니다. 원서 지원을 위해 작은 부분에도 세심하게 신경을 써서 작은 실수도 없도록 최대한 노력을 합니다. 합격 통보를 받으면 등록에 필요한 상담과 수속을 지원하면 보류결정 혹은 대기자 명단에 들어가는 경우 합격을 받을 수 있도록 최대한 상담과 지원을 아끼지 않습니다.


대학 및 보딩 스쿨 입학에 도움이 되고, 적응또한 도움이 될 수 있는 다양한 Summer Program을 소개하고 지원 소속을 해 드리고 있습니다. 보딩 스쿨 지원, Summer Program, 대학 지원에 관한 문의는 아래 연락처를 이용하시기 바랍니다.



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