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  • “전문가의 손길이 자녀의 Career에 날개를 달아 드립니다.”
세쿼이아 그룹/공지사항

College Success Plan doesn’t use a one-size-fits-all approach.

by yhpark@seqgroup.com 2021. 8. 5.

College Success Plan doesn’t use a one-size-fits-all approach.

We know no two students are alike.  Our supports are tailored to fit each students individual strengths, needs, challenges and goals.  No matter where you are or where you want to be, our dedicated mentors have the training and expertise to help you get there.  


Sequoia Group helps:

Any student suffering from a lack of: executive function skills, motivation, initiative, follow-through, accountability, self-esteem and/or academic confidence

High school and college students who want to improve their grades, GPA or general academic skills

High school students preparing for the demands of college

College freshmen navigating the high school-college transition

Upperclassmen facing the challenge of upper-level courses

Students wanting to more effectively use their academic accommodations

Students lacking motivation as the result of doubts about their major and/or a lack of long-term direction

Job or internship-seeking students looking for support balancing academics with the demands of applications and interviews

Students working to transfer to a different institution


Importance of Personal and Professional Goal-Setting

At Sequoia Group, we view our thorough goal-setting and goal-maintaining activities to be of the utmost importance.  We provide our students with a road map for the future.  If you are plagued by indecision or experiencing anxiety surrounding your future, please let us help.  We offer a data-driven and individualized approach that provides our students with the focus, direction and confidence they need to discover what path will offer them the greatest fulfillment!


Suggested professional goals:

Seeking out research opportunities on campus

Exploring summer internships/jobs in the fall

Taking advantage of your college’s Career Center

Preparing early for graduate school

Starting to network


Featured Academic Mentor:
Young Hee Park

Young Hee received her Master of Arts in Education of English Language and Literature from Ewha Womans University. Having a lifelong passion for education, she has served as a Certified Educational Planner of American Institute of Certified Educational Planners (www.aicep.org) and an active member on several educational boards, including IECA, HECA, TABS, ICEF, ST Alphe, WEBA, and NACAC. She has worked with high school and college students in a variety of contexts, including essay writing, resume drafting, tutoring, time management skills and confidence coaching.







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(주) 세쿼이아 그룹 | 박영희 | 서울 강남구 강남대로 58길 61 제일빌딩 4층 | 사업자 등록번호 : 120-86-89055 | TEL : 02-569-5433 | Mail : yhpark@seqgroup.com | 통신판매신고번호 : 호 | 사이버몰의 이용약관 바로가기

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