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Global Youth Forum Summer 2023 Review from the Top Five!

by yhpark@seqgroup.com 2023. 8. 29.

Global Youth Forum Summer 2023 Review

AquaAlliance: Flood, Drought or Pollution

Mobilizing Youth to Solve Water Crises


2023년 7월 15일부터 8월 26일까지 <Aqua Alliance: Flood, Drought or Pollution, Mobilizing Youth to Solve Water Crises>의 주제로 진행된 Global Youth Forum Summer에서 한국의 Soohyeon Ellie Kim 학생이 Top 5에 선정되었습니다!!

Global Youth Forum에서는 참가자 모두에게 수료증이 수여되며, 참가자 40-60명 중 획득한 포인트에 따라 최우수학생 Top 5가 선정됩니다. 



Top Five!

Here is a brief reflection from each of the Top Five on why they believe international-mindedness is needed as we face global challenges:


"...statistics show that accepting global differences depends on the country, religion, and economic development... it is important to understand different countries’ views upon it because, many countries have been overruled in the past, their expectations, social values, moral values, ethics have been reformed as a whole and therefore need to be respected... teens need to be educated on uniqueness and differences, how to remain in unity and of course, how to make out whether the internet can be justifiable with the social cause they’re addressing. But teens are prone to getting influenced and hold learnings and preaching given to them by their country’s chosen mentors, considering their history, teens should be open to differences but need not be forced."

~ Navya Tuli, Strawberry Fields High School, Chandigarh, India





"There are about 8 billion people currently living on Earth and 195 countries. People in different countries speak different languages, wear different clothes and eat different food. In order for countries to cooperate with each other for a better life they should be able to interact with each other. This means that people should know and understand each other's cultures..... A person with an international mindset will have the ability to spread this mindset to others and prevent racism and discrimination to ultimately lead to a more peaceful world....Some people say ignorance is bliss but I think knowledge is power, and so I strongly believe teenagers should increase international mindedness to be a positive influence on a global level and lead humanity to a better world." 

~ Soohyeon Ellie Kim, Queen's College Seoul, South Korea





"...there (is) a fairly high need to increase the mindedness among my peers. I chose to say this because most teens are aware of it but don't think about it too often. Being directly confronted with the topic of water shortages, I myself already did some rudimentary research on the topic out of anticipation and got reminded just how bad it is in some countries. What surprised me most is that a lot of countries which suffer from water shortage at the moment aren’t the ones which would expect.. Because of the rising temperatures and the lack of rain, countries like Spain are at a loss, which I, to be fully transparent, didn't expect at all. Not everyone can help with this crisis, but It would be disrespectful to the people suffering to not acknowledge water shortages being a real threat."

~ Lemi Szentivanyi, Goetheschule-Essen, Germany






The next forum challenge is here: Green Jobs and the Green Economy! UN Lifestyle and the Walt Disney Company and more are on board - how about you? We look forward to having you in our global community to make the world a better place for us all.




가을 Global Youth Forum에 대해 알고 싶은 분은 다음 포스트를 참고해주십시오.



㈜ 세쿼이아 그룹은 비대면 온라인 방식으로 진행되는 미국의 Global Youth Forum을 후원하고 있습니다.

범세계적으로 관심을 갖는 역사성, 시사성을 띠는 주제를 선택하여 세계 여러 나라 학생들과 소통하고 토론하게 됩니다.

㈜ 세쿼이아 그룹에서 후원하는 Global Youth Forum에 관심을 가진 학생과 학부모님은 다음의 연락처를 이용해 주십시오.

㈜ 세쿼이아 그룹

서울 강남구 강남대로 58 61 에버리치 빌딩 4

전화: 02-569-5433 / yhpark@seqgroup.com

www.seqgroup.com / parkyounghee.tistory.com

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