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  • “전문가의 손길이 자녀의 Career에 날개를 달아 드립니다.”
세쿼이아 그룹/기타


by yhpark@seqgroup.com 2017. 11. 25.

At this time of Thanksgiving celebration, our thoughts turn gratefully to you with warm appreciation.


We wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving filled with friends, family, and thoughtful gratitude.  In this season of giving thanks, we want you to know how much we appreciate your confidence in Sequoia Group as you consider our company for your child as well as you consider our company of your partner.


Wishing you all a blessed and peaceful Thanksgiving holiday!

Sequoia Group

㈜ 세쿼이아 그룹

서울 강남구 강남대로 5861 제일빌딩 4

www.seqgroup.com l www.goboardingschool.com

http://parkyounghee.tistory. com l http://blog.naver.com/ireneseuss

문의: 02-569-5433 info@seqgroup.com


㈜ 세쿼이아 제주

제주도 서귀포시 에듀시티로 23 해동그린앤골드상가 102(63644)



사업자 정보 표시
(주) 세쿼이아 그룹 | 박영희 | 서울 강남구 강남대로 58길 61 제일빌딩 4층 | 사업자 등록번호 : 120-86-89055 | TEL : 02-569-5433 | Mail : yhpark@seqgroup.com | 통신판매신고번호 : 호 | 사이버몰의 이용약관 바로가기

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