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외국인 학생 비율이 높은 보딩스쿨 순위 출처: http://www.boardingschoolreview.com Percentage of International Students Boarding School 30% Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall Cheshire Academy Dublin School EduKick Academic Soccer Boarding School Acadmies Grier School Houghton Academy The King’s Academy The Kiski School Leysin American School in Switzerland The Marvelwood School Missouri Military Academy Montverde Academy Ojai Valley School Olney F.. 2009. 8. 5.
평균 SAT 점수가 높은 학교 순위 출처: http://www.boardingschoolreview.com Average SAT Boarding School 2000 Concord Academy Deerfield Academy Groton School The Hotchkiss School Middlesex School Peddie School Philips Academy Andover Philips Exeter Academy St. Paul’s School Thomas Jefferson School 1900-2000 The Athenian School Cate School Choate Rosemary Hall Episcopal High School Georgetown Preparatory School The Hockaday School I.. 2009. 7. 29.
평균 SSAT 점수가 높은 학교 순위 출처: http://www.boardingschoolreview.com Philips Academy Andover % SSAT School 85% Philips Academy Andover The Hotchkiss School Milton Academy Georgetown Preparatory School Groton School Deerfield Academy Middlesex School 75-85% St. Andrew’s School, DE The Thacher School St. Mark’s School Lawrenceville School St. George’s School St. Paul’s School Cate School Colorado Rocky Mountain School Concord.. 2009. 7. 22.
AP 과목수가 많은 학교 순위 School School-Type # AP Course The Brook Hill School Choate Rosemary Hall Concord Academy Episcopal High School Groton School Kent School Lake Forest Academy Mercersburg Academy Middlesex School Philips Academy Andover Pomfret School St. Andrew’s School, DE The Webb School Westtown School Wyoming Seminary Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed Co-Ed 2.. 2009. 7. 16.