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세쿼이아 그룹/기타

Happy Easter!

by yhpark@seqgroup.com 2020. 4. 12.

Whilst Easter is not going to be the same as usual this year,

we want to send our good wishes to you

and hope that you, your team and your families are all keeping well.

our celebrations may look very different this year, 

but we hope you still have a Happy Easter.

Take care of yourselves, your family, and your loved ones,

and together we will get through this.


Sequoia Group



세쿼이아 그룹

서울 강남구 강남대로 58길 61 제일빌딩 4층

www.seqgroup.com l www.goboardingschool.com

http://parkyounghee.tistory. com l http://blog.naver.com/ireneseuss

문의: 02-569-5433 ㅣ info@seqgroup.com


세쿼이아 제주

제주도 서귀포시 에듀시티로 23 해동그린앤골드상가 102호 (우 63644)


사업자 정보 표시
(주) 세쿼이아 그룹 | 박영희 | 서울 강남구 강남대로 58길 61 제일빌딩 4층 | 사업자 등록번호 : 120-86-89055 | TEL : 02-569-5433 | Mail : yhpark@seqgroup.com | 통신판매신고번호 : 호 | 사이버몰의 이용약관 바로가기