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Helicopter vs Hands-Off Parenting Helicopter vs Hands-Off Parenting 영어 능력이 취약했던 A군은 9학년부터 미국의 보딩스쿨에 다녔는데 학교에서 의사소통의 문제로 곤혹을 치르다가 Psycho Therapy를 받게 됐고, 급기야 다른 학교로 옮기게 되었다. 타지에서 닥치는 크고 작은 문제들을 혼자 해결해야 하는 A군의 상황이 안타까웠던 부모는 학교를 옮기면서 아예 이모를 A군에게 딸려 보냈다. A군은 보딩스쿨에서 기숙했지만, 이모에게 학교 근처에 집을 얻고 온 종일 A군의 학교생활, 학업문제, 학교에서 특별활동 문제, 심지어 학교 숙제와 시험까지 모든 A군의 문제를 전담 마크하는 특별 임무가 주어졌다. 영어 시간에 읽는 텍스트가 어렵다고 하면 신속하게 영어 수업을 구해, Zoom으로 수업을 하게 했고, A군은 농구.. 2024. 2. 15.
Q & A about Sequoia Group 5. Q & A about Sequoia Group 5. Q9. Describe how your agency supports the local community. How do your employees participate, and what positive outcomes have you seen? Here are some ways I have been providing educational consulting and implementing services. 1. Offer Pro Bono Consultations: Provide free consultations regarding study abroad opportunities. This involved advising them on choosing the .. 2024. 2. 13.
Q & A about Sequoia Group 4. Q & A about Sequoia Group 4. Q7. How does your agency prioritize customer satisfaction? Give specific examples of customer-focused initiatives. 1. Customer Feedback Mechanisms: Implementing systems to gather feedback from customers through surveys, feedback forms, or direct communication channels allows to understand our customers' needs and preferences better. 2. Consulting Staff Excellence: In.. 2024. 2. 13.
Q & A about Sequoia Group 3. Q & A about Sequoia Group 3. Q5. Share an innovative strategy or initiative you've implemented in your agency. What impact has it had on your business? I have been implementing my blog. (parkyounghee.tistory.com) since 2008. I have some benefits from the blog. Increased Visibility: By regularly publishing blog posts related to my company's culture, values, job openings, and employee experiences,.. 2024. 2. 13.
Q & A about Sequoia Group 2. Q & A about Sequoia Group 2. Q3. What are the core values of your agency, and how do they correlate with your vision and integrity? 1. Student-Centered Approach: We prioritize the needs and aspirations of students above all else, guiding them towards academic and personal success. 2. Integrity: We uphold the highest standards of honesty, transparency, and ethical conduct in all our interactions .. 2024. 2. 13.
Q & A about Sequoia Group 1. Q & A about Sequoia Group 1. Q1. What is the vision of your agency, and how do you embody leadership to achieve it? Sequoia Group, founded in 2005 and headquartered in Seoul and Jeju, Korea, is dedicated to optimizing solutions for students' lifelong career management as a study-abroad and educational planning service provider. Our mission is to guide students in securing admissions to instituti.. 2024. 2. 13.