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세쿼이아 학생 상담과 지원 샘플: AICEP 제출 보고서 (1-1)

by yhpark@seqgroup.com 2019. 10. 7.

다음은 American Institute of Certified Educational Planner (https://www.aicep.org/)에 제출한 필자의 학생 상담 리포트입니다.



CEP의 자격은 다음과 같다.



·         Hold at least a Masters degree in a relevant educational field (or demonstrate extensive comparable experience, including relevant certificate programs);

·         Submit five professional references who can attest to your experience and expertise;

·         Take a written assessment that will provide insight into your ability to interpret student needs, including data from relevant testing, and recommend appropriate schools or colleges. The exam is based on case studies in areas that you identify as your own expertise.


IECA 회원으로 M Ed. 혹은 MA, MBA 등 석사 이상의 학위를 소지하고 대학 혹은 보딩 스쿨 총장, 학장, 교장 혹은 입학처장의 추천을 받아야 하며, 5년 이상 업무에 종사하면서 50개 이상의 학교를 방문한 기록을 가지고 있어야 한다. 몇 차례의 인터뷰와 6 시간쯤 진행되는 필기 시험을 치러 합격한 사람에게만 자격이 주어진다. 변호사난 회계사에 높은 직업윤리가 요구되는 것처럼 CEP에도 도덕성과 확고한 직업윤리가 요구되기 때문에 CEP로서 선서를 함으로써 비로서 자격을 갖추게 된다.


Vignette에는 Sue에 대한 배경 설명을 했다. 가정환경, 학업, 인성, 장래 희망에 따른 대학 선택에 관한 전반적인 내용이다.


Question1에서는 Sue의 상담을 진행하고 학교를 지원하면서 Sue 개인 그리고 부모가 원하는 바를 학교 선택과 지원에 반영하기 위하여 어떤 점을 고려할 것인가에 관련된 내용이다.


Question2에서는 Sue에게 적합한 학교 3개를 선택하고 각각 학교의 특징과 관련하여 Sur의 선호도를 고려할 수 있도록 학교를 설명했다.


Question4에서는 위에서 언급하지 못한, 그러나 학교 선택과 지원에 필수적으로 다시 한 번 생각해 봐야할 점들을 언급하였다.


이는 일반적으로 필자가 학생으로부터 지원 의뢰를 받아서 진행되는 Process이다 한 가지를 더 붙인다면 Vignette를 만들기 전에 세쿼이아통합심리검사 (SIPT)를 통하여 학생의 인성과 특징적인 면을 확인하고 흥미와 적성, 개인적인 학생의 요구를 반영하여 심리검사 리포트부터 만들게 된다는 것이다.


미국의 명문 대학이나 엘리트 보딩 스쿨을 지원할 때에는 10개 정도 학교에 지원하게 되므로 Question2에서 학교에 대한 배경설명은 적어도 10-15개의 학교가 추가된다.



Case Study: Sue Park




Sue’s father was a correspondent of a leading Korean newspaper company in Hong Kong. Her family lived in Hong Kong, and she attended the British International School. She has a good command of English and is familiar with International school cultures. She is curious about foreigners, foreign languages, and cultures.


After she returned to Korea, she entered the Seoul Foreign Language High School, which is similar to a magnet school in the US. She majored in English and minored in the Chinese Language in her school. Rather, she felt difficult in Korean Literature and Korean history, so her cumulative GPA is not so high, and the Korean SAT is also a mediocre level.


But she is a so-called “people person.” She is responsible and honest in her works and diligent in her studies. She can make plans meticulously and put the plans into practice without fail. She is sympathetic, and has a strong service spirit, so she feels happier when she sees other people happy with her service or assistance.


She actively participated in extra-curricular, volunteer work, and club activities inside and outside of school. She had an internship at the World Educators Workshop held at the Intercontinental Hotel and volunteered works at the National Sports Festival. Through those activities, she began to be interested in the hospitality business and wanted to be a hotelier.



Question 1

What general characteristics would you be looking for in colleges for this student?


Sue hopes to get a job just after graduation because she will decide whether she continues studying an MBA or Master's program upon a hands-on background.


As Korea improved economic development and joined the ranks of advanced countries, people tend to pursue individual happiness and satisfaction in their life. They appreciate cultures and enjoy travel, entertainment, sports, and arts. So, the MICE industries have advanced significantly over the last decade: hotels & resorts, B&B, food service, wellness, exhibition, convention, banquet, event, cruise, and tourism. Consequentially, to get a job in the hospitality field is very promising. It is an excellent choice for Sue to select a hospitality major


iBT TOEFL score of 101 and HSK (Chinese language proficiency test) of level 5 show her strong language abilities. Her standardized test scores surpass entry requirements and she won’t have a problem to catch up on her studies.


There are some hotel management schools in Korea. However, I recommend she choose a hotel management school in European countries because she can enhance the chance to get a job in Europe and obtain global perspectives, manners, and standards to be a global leader of the hotel business.


To be a successful manager in the hospitality field needs to understand the role of every employee within a hotel sector; a great way to gain this knowledge and experience is to participate in internship programs. So, she should get into a hotel school providing sufficient internships and hands-on education.


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