다음은 American Institute of Certified Educational Planner (https://www.aicep.org/)에 제출한 필자의 학생 상담 리포트입니다.
CEP의 자격은 다음과 같다.
· Hold at least a Masters degree in a relevant educational field (or demonstrate extensive comparable experience, including relevant certificate programs);
· Submit five professional references who can attest to your experience and expertise;
· Take a written assessment that will provide insight into your ability to interpret student needs, including data from relevant testing, and recommend appropriate schools or colleges. The exam is based on case studies in areas that you identify as your own expertise.
IECA 회원으로 M Ed. 혹은 MA, MBA 등 석사 이상의 학위를 소지하고 대학 혹은 보딩 스쿨 총장, 학장, 교장 혹은 입학처장의 추천을 받아야 하며, 5년 이상 업무에 종사하면서 50개 이상의 학교를 방문한 기록을 가지고 있어야 한다. 몇 차례의 인터뷰와 6 시간쯤 진행되는 필기 시험을 치러 합격한 사람에게만 자격이 주어진다. 변호사난 회계사에 높은 직업윤리가 요구되는 것처럼 CEP에도 도덕성과 확고한 직업윤리가 요구되기 때문에 CEP로서 선서를 함으로써 비로서 자격을 갖추게 된다.
Vignette에는 Sue에 대한 배경 설명을 했다. 가정환경, 학업, 인성, 장래 희망에 따른 대학 선택에 관한 전반적인 내용이다.
Question1에서는 Sue의 상담을 진행하고 학교를 지원하면서 Sue 개인 그리고 부모가 원하는 바를 학교 선택과 지원에 반영하기 위하여 어떤 점을 고려할 것인가에 관련된 내용이다.
Question2에서는 Sue에게 적합한 학교 3개를 선택하고 각각 학교의 특징과 관련하여 Sur의 선호도를 고려할 수 있도록 학교를 설명했다.
Question4에서는 위에서 언급하지 못한, 그러나 학교 선택과 지원에 필수적으로 다시 한 번 생각해 봐야할 점들을 언급하였다.
이는 일반적으로 필자가 학생으로부터 지원 의뢰를 받아서 진행되는 Process이다 한 가지를 더 붙인다면 Vignette를 만들기 전에 세쿼이아통합심리검사 (SIPT)를 통하여 학생의 인성과 특징적인 면을 확인하고 흥미와 적성, 개인적인 학생의 요구를 반영하여 심리검사 리포트부터 만들게 된다는 것이다.
미국의 명문 대학이나 엘리트 보딩 스쿨을 지원할 때에는 10개 정도 학교에 지원하게 되므로 Question2에서 학교에 대한 배경설명은 적어도 10-15개의 학교가 추가된다.
출처: https://parkyounghee.tistory.com/entry/세쿼이아-학생-상담과-지원-샘플-AICEP-제출-보고서-1 [박영희의 성공유학 ADMISSION EDGE]
Question 2
Suggest 3-5 specific college recommendations appropriate for this student and support your rationale for each option.
A. BHMS (Business & Hotel Management School)
1) Location: Lucerne, Switzerland
Lucerne is an international tourist destination and is recently one of the most visited cities in Switzerland by Korean people. Many hotels in Switzerland demand Korean staff.
2) Dual Degree Program
BHMS has a partnership agreement with Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, the UK, and students can obtain Dual Bachelor’s or Master’s degree from both universities.
3) Internship Placement
During every academic year, students have the opportunity to carry out a 4-6 month internship in a hotel or a restaurant in Switzerland or overseas approved by BHMS. During an internship in Switzerland, students will be under contractual obligation and entitle them to receive a gross salary of CHF 2,212.00 per month.
4) International Job Placement
Masterwork, a company owned by the Benedict Education Group provides global career and placement opportunities for BHMS graduates.
B. Cesar Ritz College
The Cesar Ritz College was established based on the philosophy of Cesar Ritz, who is a founder of the famous Ritz Hotel in Paris. The Culinary Arts Academy is on the campus of Le Bouveret and Lucerne. Students can experience the culinary arts and food service as well.
1) Three Locations in Switzerland
Year 1 & Year 2 Students can select a destination either French-speaking Le Bouveret or German-speaking Lucerne, and during the final year, all students should study in German-speaking Brig.
2) Academic Programs: Dual Degree in BA and MA
Cesar Ritz College offers a double bachelor's degree in partnership with Washington State University in the US and a dual master's degree with the University of Derby in the UK.
3) Internship Placement
Students who are Year 1 and Year 2 have the opportunity to carry out a 4-6 month internship in a hotel or relevant fields in Europe or worldwide. If they work as an intern in Switzerland, their average salary is CHF 2200.00 per month.
4) Career Services
Career Management Team encourages career decisions, tailors services to each student’s needs, and advises regarding CV and interview. In the session of the International Recruitment Forum, the industry leaders present their company, and students have an interview during the event.
C. EU Business School
The EU Business School is an internationally accredited business school in Germany, Spain, and Switzerland. Students can exchange to study within the EU campus network. The EU offers Business Management, International Relations, Sports Management, Digital Media Management, Communication & PR, Family Business Management, as well as Hospitality & Tourism Management.
1) Four Locations
Munich, Germany / Geneva & Montreaux, Switzerland / Barcelona, Spain
2) Programs
BSc (Hons) & BA (Hons) / MS & MA / MBA / DBA / Foundation / Online Program
3) Academic Programs: Dual Degree
Upon completion of a Bachelor's degree, students will earn a degree from the University of Derby (UK), The University of Roehampton (UK), and UCAM (Spain) as well.
4) Career Services
The EU offers a job and internship support program: career workshops, guest speaker lectures and workshops, EU career fairs, career counseling & mentoring, and alumni networking.
Question 3
List any other points that should possibly be considered in working with this student
Sue wants to study at a college in Europe, but she doesn’t have many chances to apply to the colleges whose media is English except the UK or Ireland because most of the European colleges teach via mother tongue.
The internationally recognized authority should evaluate and approve students’ transcripts because Korean education and assessment systems are different from them. Thus Sue should contact WES (World Education Services) to endorse her transcripts and ask to send the officially approved reports to each college. It takes time and cost, so Sue should request for endorsement ahead of time.
Those universities provide various majors: general management, marketing, human resources, accounting, and finance as well as hotel operations. So Sue has the flexibility to choose not only hospitality management but general management and international business management.
They can learn German, French, and Spanish as well as English. Many language skills and knowledge of other cultures are essential for hoteliers. The dual degrees will be beneficial for her to apply for an MBA program or graduate school afterward.
Sue expects to get a job in Germany or a European country after graduation because it is hard to find a job in Korea as the unemployment rate is rising recently. The German job seeker visa allows international students to stay in Germany for two years to look for a job. She can stay in Spain for a year with a job seeker visa and in Switzerland for six months.
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