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보딩스쿨/한국 국제학교

대전국제학교의 보딩 프로그램 개선을 위한 학교 개혁 컨설팅

by yhpark@seqgroup.com 2013. 11. 4.


대전국제학교의 보딩 프로그램 개선을 위한 학교 개혁 컨설팅



2013 10 25일 대전에 위치한 대전국제학교 (Taejon Christian International School)에 가서 “Proposal for Development of TCIS Residential Life Programs”이라는 주제를 가지고 Presentation을 했습니다.


대전국제학교를 위한 학교 개혁 컨설팅

TCIS는 약 50여 전에 우리나라에 처음으로 세워진 외국인을 위한 보딩스쿨인데, 유구한 역사를 가진 학교이지만 혁신적인 변화를 위한 컨설팅을 받아 본 적이 없어서 필자에게 보딩 프로그램의 개혁을 위한 아이디어를 제공해 줄 것을 요청했습니다. 필자는 그 간 학생과 학부모의 입장이 되어 교육 전반에 관한 컨설팅을 진행해 왔지만, 학교의 입장에서 학생들에게 더 나은 교육 프로그램을 제공하기 위한 학교 컨설팅은 처음이어서 부담을 느꼈던 것도 사실입니다.


교장선생님, 이사회 위원들, 사감선생님 그리고 입학사무처 관계자들이 참석한 가운데 21쪽 자리 영문 리포트를 작성하고 1시간30분에 걸쳐 Presentation을 수행한 결과 “Boarding School Guru”라는 칭찬을 받게 되어 아주 흡족했습니다. 한편 저의 노력과 통찰력이 TCIS의 보딩 프로그램에 작으나마 도움이 되고 이것이 다시 TCIS의 학생들에게 혜택으로 돌아올 것을 생각하니 큰 기쁨으로 다가왔습니다.


<출처: 구글 이미지>





미국 뉴잉글랜드 보딩 스쿨을 벤치마킹하여 보딩프로그램 개선 제안

다음은 TCIS에 컨설팅한 보딩프로그램 개선을 위한 저의 영문 제안서 일부입니다. 미국의 보딩 스쿨 특히 East Coast에 위치한 전통적인 보딩 스쿨의 Residential Program을 벤치마킹하여 TCIS에 제안했는데, 이는 한국 학부모들이 어떤 보딩 스쿨, 어떤 Residential 프로그램과 Extra-curricular Activities 를 제공하는 학교를 선택하는 것이 필요할 것인가에 대한 아이디어를 제공할 것입니다.




[영문 컨설팅 제안서 일부 발췌본]



A Proposal for Improvement of TCIS Residential Programs





Chapter 1 Introduction

                                 The General Reasons to Choose a Boarding School

                                 The Distinctive Features of TCIS

                                 Educational Goals

Chapter 2   Student Residential Life

                                 Dormitory and Residential Life

                                 Student Supports


                                 Evening Study Hall

Chapter 3 Personal & Community Education

                                 Work Duty

                                 All School Meeting

Chapter 4   Student Activities

                                 Clubs & Organizations

                                  Community & Multicultural Development for

                                  Global Leadership

Chapter 5   Community Services


Chapter 6 Leadership Opportunities

                                 Student Government


                                 Other Opportunities

Chapter 7   Annual Campus Events

Chapter 8 Discipline System

                                 Social Honor Code

                                 Academic Honor Code and the Pledge

                                 Honor Council

                                 Disciplinary Points

                                 Amnesty Policy

                                 Rule Violation

                                 Bullying & Hazing

                                 Sexual Harassment

Chapter 9   Access to Technology

Chapter 10 Anything Else




<출처: 구글 이미지>




The key to a successful education at PCIS is a healthy balance of academic, co-curricular, extra-curricular, social, and personal activities. We need to develop a residential life curriculum that enhances interactions between students and their teachers, dormitory parents, advisers, and coaches; and promotes health and wellness in all aspects of campus life.


Educational Goals at TCIS

TCIS students will stand equipped and ready to succeed, and even excel, first in their college work and then beyond it:


1.       Have faced and overcome challenges in the classroom, on the athletics field, on the stage, in the studio, and in the community, learning the value of hard work and perseverance in the process.

2.       Communicate ideas with clarity and maturity.

3.       Make responsible decisions in accessing and using information as a global community.

4.       Act with honor and integrity.

5.       Spend in a close-knit yet diverse community, thereby learning the value of communication, respect, and understanding.

6.       Interact comfortably with adults and peers in both professional and social situations.

7.       Possess the awareness and understanding that can come only from the selfless act of service.

8.       Remain aware of the complex issues involved when people from diverse cultures and backgrounds interact in today's global society.





 <출처: 구글 이미지>






A.     Dormitory and Residential Life

Students are also educated through their community and dormitory interactions and responsibilities. Accountability, respect, and time management skills are acquired here. The essential considerations are those of personal and collective safety, health, protection of the school and personal property, the mutual compromises of community living, and the provision for a quiet place of study and for sleep.


B.      Student Supports:

Ø  Academic Skills Center

Offers tutoring and time management assistance for students handling new-found responsibilities and challenges.

Maximize students’ potential and achieve academic goals.


Ø  Community & Multicultural Development

Hosts guest lecturers, sponsors workshops, and holds celebrations such as Korean Festival to highlight the rich cultures.


Ø  Health and Wellness

Ensures the emotional well-being of students.


Ø  Spiritual and Religious Life

More relaxed spiritual opportunities


C.      Function

Ø  Advisors:

Strives to make a personal connection with each student and guide them through the many personal and academic choices during the school year. Learn the student’s goals, aspirations, and needs, fostering a close relationship and allowing them to mentor each advisee in a one on one basis. Advisors of day students serve as the primary faculty contact for these students and their parents/guardians. Advisors of boarding students work with dorm parents, sharing information about students and their programs, so that the dorm parent, the primary faculty contact for boarding students and their parents/guardians, can communicate fully with these parties.


Ø  Dorm parents:

Charged with maintaining safe conditions, order, a good study climate and observance of school rules. Grant day excuses and room visiting permission, and approve, all overnight excuses. Assisted by older students who serve as resident proctors.


Ø  Proctors or Prefects:

Crucial in the role of supportive advisor and counselor. Work closely with the adult dorm parents to help ensure quiet time and lights out policies, discourage rule breaking and confront students who have difficulty following the rules, supervise the housekeeping program in their dorm, and discuss issues specific to the dorm with the house counselor. Available to assist students in navigating life at PCIS whether academically, athletically or socially.


Ø  Cluster

Knowing all of the students in the cluster

Working closely with the team of dorm parents, boarding students, and day students to ensure the safety and general well-being

Working with student leaders to organize and orchestrate social activities for the cluster and to address issues pertaining to the cluster.

Overseeing academic issues of students in the cluster

Overseeing discipline and chairing the discipline committee.


D.     Evening Study Hall

Study Hall time and dates Monitored study hall and permitted dorm room study (Previlige)





 <출처: 구글 이미지>





Aims to provide students with constructive opportunities to learn about themselves and others; reflect on and refine their bearing on social issues; and acquire knowledge and skills that maintain wellness.


A.    Seminars

As a complement to terrific academic, athletics, and arts offerings, students will be afforded an opportunity to meet with a small number of their peers and adult facilitators to relax, reflect, and dialogue about topics germane to healthy adolescent development. Topics including understanding oneself and others, values, social identity and social bias, harassment, stress management, mental health and sexuality. Seminar classgroup will explore topics in a manner that is most responsive to the particular needs and interests of the members of the group, with flexibility to address personal, campus and world issues that might arise.


B.     Wellness Week

It is hoped that by (1) focusing PCIS community’s attention on specific issues of health and wellness, (2) reducing academic workloads so that students can participate without feeling distracted or overburdened, and (3) providing stimulating and enriching programs.


C.     Junior Program (Tentatively Named)

The support of an academic and residential program. A coordinated approach permits classroom teacher, house counselors, and advisors to confer and plan as they address these young students' needs and encourage their growth. At dormitory meetings, students explore topics, ranging from study skills and time management to community living and goodness, that help PCIS's youngest students adjust to living away from home. The evaluation of psychological tests


D.    Work Duty

The healthiest communities result when members invest tangible effort toward their maintenance. Work duty program is designed both to amplify the students’ sense of responsibility toward their environment and to inculcate in them the importance of the notion of selflessness. The program also provides significant cost savings to the school..

Examples of such jobs include clerical responsibilities in campus offices and academic departments, sorting and delivering school mail, responding to student and faculty technology concerns through the Computer Center, helping with the on-campus recycling program, and serving in various leadership roles. Attendance of the work duty program is treated the same as a regular academic period and absences are recorded.


E.      All-Class Meetings or All School Meetings

Focuses on acculturation to citizenship and scholarship. A unique opportunity for the entire school community to gather as one family to welcome in each new year’s class, receive lectures and presentations from a wide range of guests, celebrate achievements of students, enjoy faculty entertainment and hear from the head of school and student school president on important matters.


F.      Senior Tea or Scholar’s Tea (Tentatively Named)

Senior students or great scholars flock to Senior Tea or Scholar’s Tea. Privilege! This is their time to chat, relax, and indulge in a snack and perhaps some tea, or hot chocolate.



 <출처: 구글 이미지>



㈜ 세쿼이아 그룹에서는 TCIS 등 국내에 위치한 국제학교에 관한 학교 정보와 지원 수속에 관련된 상담에 응하고 있습니다.



㈜ 세쿼이아 그룹

서울 강남구 도곡동 552-8 젠빌딩 4

www.seqgroup.com l www.goboardingschool.com


문의:    02-569-5433 l dchang@seqgroup.com













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