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세쿼이아 그룹/교육 컨설팅

Sequoia College Counseling Service

by yhpark@seqgroup.com 2016. 8. 4.

Sequoia College Counseling Service


Sending children to college is one of the largest investments parents may ever make, second only to buying a home or getting married. With more than 2,300 accredited 4-year colleges and over 2,000 2-year community colleges in America, selecting the right one can be a daunting decision. Few parents or school counselors have the resources needed to guide a student toward the best college choice. The unprecedented increase in college applications over the last several years has made the college admissions process more competitive and complex than ever. To successfully navigate these turbulent waters, a student must stand out and truly demonstrate why he or she is such a great match for each college under consideration.


That's where the specialty college-planning services of Sequoia Group plays a pivotal role. Young Hee Park and her staff of educational consultants, Jenny Son and Matt Kim offer a high level of personalized college counseling that students might not get in school.


Since 2005, many families have turned to Young Hee, a professional who partners with students to help them choose and apply to the “best fit” colleges that will foster their academic and social growth.


Because Young Hee travels across the US and Europe to visit dozens of colleges every year – meeting with admission officers and students, touring campuses, and learning about the current campus culture – her personal insight provides a student with a much deeper understanding of each college than can be conveyed in a college catalog, guidebook, or website. She also made agreements with colleges and universities in the US, Europe and even China and Poland as an educational consultant, student recruitment agent, and a local representative.


In a nutshell, Sequoia teachs students how to distinguish themselves from other qualified applicants, thus increasing their potential for acceptance to their top-choice colleges.



Young Hee performs a comprehensive assessment of a student's abilities, personality, interests, and goals in order to identify the college learning environment that best suits the student. Her thorough review of a student’s academic and extracurricular interests helps pinpoint and highlight the student's passions. Young Hee then recommends an action plan to help the student develop those passions with college admissions in mind.


[Targeting the Best Fit Colleges]

Young Hee identifies a range of colleges targeted to match the particular needs of the student:

-          Academic

-          Career goals

-          Favorite majors

-          Geographic

-          Social

-          Religious

-          Financial

-          Special Interests


Lacking outside counsel, students often limit their choices to colleges their friends attend, rankings, well-known colleges, or schools close to home. Young Hee’s firsthand knowledge and professional contacts widen the choices by encouraging students to consider a greater number of appropriate colleges.


[A Full Range of Services]

Young Hee’s expertise puts a student ahead of the pack with cutting-edge advice on how to make the most of high school years, and then fulfill college dreams. Her college planning includes this full range of services:


-       Complete student evaluation (academics, test scores, activities, goals, strengths,  weaknesses)

-       Conducting psychological testings, such as the Sequoia Integrated Psychological Test  (SIPT), Study Abroad Aptitude Test (SAAT) and Learning Achievement Aptitude Test  (LAAT)

-       Conducting linguistic and academic achievement tests, such as International Test of    English Proficiency (iTEP) and Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS)

-       Identifying colleges where the student will be most comfortable and successful based  upon academics, career goal, social life, geographic location and setting, student body  size, class size, religion, special interest activities, and financial considerations

-        Specialized research into unusual majors or programs

-        Ongoing consultations with a student and family throughout the college planning      process (curricular and extracurricular guidance, SAT/ACT testing schedule,  admissions “savvy,” special needs)

-        Creating an activity résumé with a student to showcase leadership, initiative,  creativity, outreach, and impact

-        Brainstorming application essay ideas with a student and refining the essays through  an iterative editing process

-        Thorough application review

-        Preparing a student and family to make the most of college interviews and visits

-        Debriefing after college visits to further refine the college list

-        Communicating with college admissions counselors, as required

-        Monitoring a student's application and testing calendar to help keep a student on  schedule

-        Follow-up through freshman year for families who would like to keep in touch with us  in order that their child will adapt himself to a new environment.


We can confidently tell about the two things we do best:

-        We take the stress out of college planning.

-        We give their children an edge.



[Comprehensive or Hourly College Counseling Services]

Although most families engage our services on a comprehensive basis, college counseling is available on an hourly basis as well. This way, students can utilize our services as much or as little as needed, and target those areas that they feel are most relevant (for example, just the application essays or the college list).


Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Sequoia Group at info@seqgroup.com or +82-2-569-5433.


                                                                                                                           [사진출처 구글]

세쿼이아 그룹

서울 강남구 도곡동 552-15 제일빌딩 4

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문의: 02-569-5433 jennyson@seqgroup.com

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