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세쿼이아 그룹/유학관련

대학의 전공과목과 커리어 개발

by yhpark@seqgroup.com 2021. 4. 7.

대학의 전공과목과 커리어 개발


Oxford University Library

Ivy League 비롯하여 미국의 주요 대학의 합격자 발표가 46일에 발표되었다. COVID-19 영향으로 예년에 비해 대학 입시에 혼란이 빚어져서, 불합격이 됐는지, Defer 됐는지? Wait-List 들어가 있는지 없고, 누구도 확실한 답을 주지 않는다.


현재 11학년 학생들이 입시를 치르는 내년에는 팬데믹 상황이 조금씩 나아져, 안정을 되찾아 가기는 하겠지만, 지금과 비슷한 상황이 당분간 지속될 것이라 예상되어 많은 학생이 대학에 지원하고, 많은 학생이 불합격의 고배를 마실 것이며, 많은 학생이 Defer Wait-listed라는 결과를 받아 속을 태울 것이다.



12학년들의 입시는 이미 끝났으니, 이제 11학년 학생들이 입시 모드로 전환해야 하는데, Junior들이 가장 많이 생각하고 고심해야 화두는 전공선택이다. 미국 대학에 지원할 전공을 확실하게 정하지 못해서 전공과목을 “Undecided”라고 표시하는 경우도 많다. 그러나 영국 대학의 경우에는 전공을 확실하게 결정하고 원서에 정확하게 명시하는 것이 필수적이다.


당장 여름방학부터 시작해서 올해 말까지 모든 대학들에 지원서 접수를 마쳐야 하는데 과연 어떤 전공을 선택할까 하는 것이 그야말로 고민이 아닐 없다. 이미 전공을 결정한 학생들은 자신의 결정에 확신을 가질 있는지 고민해야 하고 도대체 공부해야 할지 막막하기만 학생들은 바로무엇을 전공할까라는 물음은 정말 중요한 화두이다.


대학 지원자들은 스스로에게 다음과 같이 질문해 보자.

      다양한 전공과목에 대해 충분히 숙지하고 과목에 대해 정확한 이해력을 가지고 있는가?

      전공들을 유사한 전공과 비교하여 과목의 차이점을 인지하고 있는가?

      전공에 대한 정확한 정보에 기반하여 전공 선택에 대한 결정을 내릴 있는가?

      미래예비 전공을 하기 위해 사전에 필요한 요구사항, 사전 이수과목이 무엇인지 알고 있는가?

      분야를 전공한 학생들에게 가능한 직업 옵션이 무엇인지 연구해 봤는가?

      직업에 대하여 비교 분석하여 커리어에 대한 특장점을 이해했는가?


UC Berkeley Business News Daily 학생들을 위해 제작한 전공별로 진출 가능한 직업과 분야를 소개한 책자를 참고로 아직 전공을 결정하지 못하고 있는 학생들을 위해 졸업 비교적 다양한 직업군으로 연결이 가능한 대표적인 전공들을 정리했다.




생물학은 의과대학에 입학하려는 학생들이 학부에서 전공하는 과목으로 알려져 있지만, 생물학 전공 학생이 진출할 분야는 다양하다.


·         Researcher

·         Veterinarian

·         Dentist

·         Doctor

·         Nurse

·         Zoo or aquarium biologist

·         Park ranger

·         Teacher or professor

·         Biotechnologist

·         Forensic scientist

·         Science adviser (for politicians and lawmakers)

·         Scientific products or pharmaceutical salesperson, publicist or marketer

·         Nutritionist

·         Bioeconomist

·         Computational, mathematical or theoretical biologist

·         Science writer or journalist

·         Artist or illustrator (for textbooks and other materials)

Biology majors can also work on public health campaigns, as an educator for the public (at science museums, zoos, aquariums, nature centers and more) or for charitable organizations such as the Peace Corps or Doctors Without Borders.



·         Job development specialist

·         Quality control coordinator

·         Management analyst

·         Equal opportunity representative

·         Merchandiser

·         Loan officer

·         Human resources professional

·         Customer service manager

·         Public relations manager

·         Financial analyst

·         Stock broker

·         Recruiter

·         Purchaser

·         Researcher



A major in communications can be extremely versatile and apply to many different fields, including journalism, business, advertising/marketing, education, media broadcasting, public relations, theater/performing arts, politics, technology, health care, international relations, law, social and human services, labor relations, and research.

Specific career paths that fall into these fields include:

·         Journalist (digital, print or broadcast)

·         Public relations representative

·         Events planner

·         Hospitality manager

·         Speech writer

·         Advertising copywriter

·         Lobbyist

·         Media buyer

·         Drama coach

·         Speech teacher

·         Playwright

·         News writer or director

·         Copy editor

·         Campaign director

·         Political aide

·         Health educator

·         Translator

·         Lawyer

·         Mediator

·         Consumer advocate

·         Recruiter

·         Social media manager


Computer science

Technology is constantly growing, advancing and evolving, and that means careers for computer science majors are also on the rise. Essentially, computer science majors can do anything from fix computers and develop websites to work for the government, so there's something for everyone no matter where your interests lie. Software programmer

·         Technical writer

·         Software tester

·         Teacher or professor

·         Network administrator

·         E-commerce developer

·         Website designer

·         Computer software trainer

·         Technical analyst

·         Consultant

·         Database administrator

·         Internet entrepreneur

·         Hardware programmer

·         FBI or CIA agent

·         Telecommunications expert

·         Artificial intelligence quality expert


Criminal justice

The most common career aspirations for students in this field are law enforcement and prosecution. Security guard

·         Park ranger

·         Private detective/investigator

·         Probation officer

·         Correctional officer

·         Police patrol officer

·         Security manager

·         Mental health counselor

·         First-line police supervisor

·         Paralegal



Many economics majors go into their field of study intending to work in banking, business or finance, but that doesn't mean every aspiring economist will (or even wants to) wind up on Wall Street.

·         Consultant

·         Investment banker

·         Hedge fund administrator

·         Equity trader

·         Financial adviser

·         Economic analyst

·         Housing development aide

·         Urban planning research assistant

·         Purchasing agent

·         Public affairs specialist

·         Market research analyst

·         International trade specialist

·         Sales representative

·         Merchandise analyst

·         Government relations adviser

·         Community affairs adviser

·         Program analyst

·         Real estate development researcher

·         Mortgage specialist

·         Appraiser

·         Asset manager

Economists can also find careers in the health care industry, and they make outstanding entrepreneurs, too, as their skills and education give them a solid foundation for starting their own business.



Engineering degree holders often work in fields such as aeronautics, electrical industries, mining industries, government agencies, higher education and transportation. Some of the top careers include:

·         Acoustical engineer

·         Nuclear engineer

·         Aeronautical engineer

·         Operations engineer

·         Electronics instructor

·         Aerospace engineer

·         Teacher, professor or educator

·         Geologist

·         Environmental engineer

·         Chemical engineer

·         Industrial engineer

·         Licensing engineer

·         Safety engineer

·         Decontamination engineer

·         Physicist

·         Ceramic engineer

·         Quality control engineer

·         Fire protection engineer

·         Mechanical engineer



English and literature may seem like topics of study that don't always guarantee a job, but a degree in English can be very valuable. English majors have a very wide range of career options available to them; it's just a matter of finding the right path to follow.

·         Editor

·         Journalist

·         Blogger

·         Screenwriter

·         Critic

·         Casting director

·         Television reporter

·         Public relations assistant

·         Technical writer

·         Corporate librarian

·         Advertising copywriter

·         Consultant

·         Lobbyist

·         Speechwriter

·         Events coordinator

·         Teacher or tutor



While teaching or research are great jobs for history buffs, the skills that students develop as history majors can be used in many fields, such as communications and information management, too. Writer or editor

·         Journalist

·         Documentary editor

·         Producer of multimedia material

·         Archivist

·         Records manager

·         Librarian

·         Information manager

·         Lawyer or paralegal

·         Litigation support staff



Some students think they'll never use algebra or calculus in real life, but math majors know this just isn't true. In fact, mathematics majors can go on to have some of the most lucrative careers out there, so don't underestimate the importance of solving for X or figuring out fractions.

·         Education

·         Biomathematics

·         Operations research

·         Computer science

·         Actuarial science

·         Finance

·         Mathematical modeling

·         Statistics

·         Meteorologist

·         Software Engineer

·         Information Scientiest

·         Economist

·         Cryptogrphist

Cryptography, which combines math and computer science, and is the practice and study of hiding information (like computer passwords and ATM card data), according to the MAA.


Political science

The APSA noted that graduates with a political science degree can work for federal, state and local governments, as well as international organizations, and nonprofit associations and organizations. They can also work in fields such as law, business, campaign management and polling, journalism, education, electoral politics and research. These career paths include jobs like:

·         Activist or advocate

·         Attorney

·         Political data archivist

·         City planner

·         CIA agent or analyst

·         Corporate public affairs adviser

·         Journalist or editor

·         Foreign service officer

·         Foundation president

·         Intelligence officer

·         International research specialist

·         Mediator

·         Legislative analyst or coordinator

·         Policy analyst

·         Teacher or professor

·         University administrator

·         State legislator

·         Public opinion analyst

·         Immigration officer



You could go on to earn your doctorate and become a licensed psychologist or therapist — but many psych majors take their skills and apply them to other careers where understanding people is essential to success. Academic counselor

·         Applied statistician

·         Art therapist

·         Caseworker

·         Child development specialist

·         Teacher or professor

·         Criminal investigator

·         Customer service representative

·         Employee relations specialist

·         Financial aid counselor

·         Polygraph examiner

·         Public health director

·         Personnel recruiter

·         Employment interviewer



Sociology is the study of society and human relationships, so it's no surprise that sociology majors have a wealth of careers to pursue. Possible fields include business management, consulting, corporate administration, insurance, medical administration, politics, realty, religious life, social work, and teaching and higher education. Human resources manager

·         Public relations staffer

·         Recruiter

·         Case manager

·         Community aide

·         Family planning worker

·         Fundraiser

·         Housing worker

·         Resident planning aide

·         Youth outreach worker

·         Substance abuse counselor

·         Admissions counselor

·         Alumni relations worker

·         Teacher or professor

·         Legislative aide

·         Corrections officer

·         Parole officer

·         Consumer researcher

·         Census research assistant


Visual and performing arts

·         Graphic designer

·         Web page designer

·         Cartoonist

·         Animator

·         Gallery owner or administrator

·         Teacher or professor

·         Museum technician

·         Corporate art consultant

·         Reporter or photojournalist

·         Auditions coordinator

·         Studio manager

·         Production assistant or producer

·         Stage manager

·         Booking agent or manager

·         Promotions or publicity assistant

·         Recording engineer

·         Music or sound editor


사업자 정보 표시
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